All right guys, its about time someone does this right. First off,
lets get a quick overview on the different kinds of fecas:Full
int: these Fecas are the ones you see preventing
70-80 with their shields. In many situations, they have the upper hand, such as enemies who
use low damage attacks over and over again in quick succession. But in other situations,
such as unbefitting opponents, or heavy hitters, you are at a strong STRONG
Mid-Int: this is the build I’m working
with. My shields are fairly weak, but Feca shield, which I rely heavily on, has no int multiplier.
The low side is I’m not incredibly strong damage wise, but on the other hand the world is not
over if I get unbewitched.
NOTE: later these two builds seem to entwine, as lots of
high level int equips have vit as well.
Full-vit (str
build): generally, it is wise to scroll strength, and
pump vitality as high as possible. I recommend if you are choosing this build, maybe try to
invest ~100 points into int, just for the bonus to shields. Despite the low shielding you will
have, its still better than nothing. The difference between 10 and 20 damage can sometimes
make the difference. Again, feca shield is relied heavily upon.[/color]
Chance: a build that is, to my knowledge, untested. I once read a French
site that said this build could make use of things such as truce and immunity, and focus
heavily on bubble’s high range in order to make a useful build. But, it sounds like a difficult
I will be focusing on the int builds in this guide. Standard cookie cutter
“shield up and glyph” deal.
to 200
Vit to 100-200 depending on preference
So, what do we have to work with?
Armor: a definite must especially for pvp. At lower
levels, this skill isn’t needed, as you wont be fighting enemies with fire attacks for a while.
But, as you progress (id say mid 20s-30s if you wanna start some fun pvping early) this skill
is a definite need to max.
Natural attack: this skill starts off fairly useless, but the second you hit 101 it allows you to
unleash a whole new series of strategies. Due to the non linear nature, and (eventually) low
ap cost, you can chain this attack together multiple times, to different or similar targets, as
well as combine it with other skills in a single turn. But, to start, if you plan on getting rich in
the future, cloudy attack may be a good idea. It all depends on if you want to dump the
money in the future to unlearn cloudy, or stress yourself with it until then.
Blindness: not a usual staple feca spell. It can be useful for enemies who
need all of their ap to keep their strategy in tact, but I don’t recommend leveling it. We have
to use enough points already.
Spell Rebound: good god I love this spell. I was skeptical about it in my early feca days, but
god damn is it a beauty. Max this to 5. It gives you a (believed) 1/6 chance to reflect spells
equal to its level. The chance increases for lower level skills, and decreases for higher level
skills. I have killed many osamodas and int cras, just by letting them kill themselves. BUT, as
you increase in level and your enemies do, many classes begin to rely on close combat which
is not effected by this spell. Still, I may be leveling it to 6 depending on what other classes
not really useful other than
its fun to kill pvpers who have low hp. (its tormenting actually). Also, it could be used if a
sac and his sacrificed friends were all clumped together. Drop an agro glyph correctly and
you could get 5-6 punishments out of it. But, that isn’t really a valid strategy, and neither of
those methods of use require you to level it. Keep this at 1
Armor of Earth: max this as soon as you get to 11. Level 4 at 9. You WANT. No. you
NEED this skill early on to make leveling easy. It blocks not only earth, but neutral damage.
These are the most popular damage types both from monsters and other players, though fire
is growing steadily close. You definitely want this at 5 before you even get cloudy attack.
Attack: this is a decent skill, though in the long run
natural (in my opinion) grows stronger. Many fecas use cloudy instead. Many use both. It is
entirely up to you how you want to go, but I chose natural attack over this. Nonetheless,
cloudy is very useful up until 101, so it may be a wise choice to level it.
Aqueous armor: this seems to be more useful for the ap resist rather than
the water damage. Hold out on leveling it early, but eventually you’ll want this at least to
three. I maxed it. Ap resistance becomes a definite need for pvp.
Immunity: free turn? I’m in. this is good for stalling invisibility, as well
as keeping yourself safe while inside your own glyphs. At level 4, it gives 2 turns instead of 1,
giving you even MORE time to pummel your enemy while he is unable to hit you back (with
effect, anyways) plus, who doesn’t like to see “damage reduced by 9000” now and then? At
some point you will want to max this out, even to six. (at level six, the cost becomes 2ap,
making it easy to chain with other skills.
Wind armor:Bubble: fun to play with, but that’s its. Odd firing range, water
damage, once per target? don’t bother with it unless you want to go chance or hybrid
similar to immune, but instead it gives a
smaller fraction to the entire party. This doesn’t need maxing really, unless for some reason
you have a surplus of diamonds. NOTE: I have seen truce broken through. On characters
that have no int, level 1 only reduces 200, and with enemies hitting for 500+ I can
understand it. But with a feca, you should have no problem keeping truce together.
Art of
staff: only buffs neutral damages. Gold for strength
build, moot for ours. MOVING ON
Backlash (shut up DB fucking shut up): I maxed this because I thought with my gob set (back in the
40s-50s of beta) I would have a good combo. I must say, even with low str, maxed backlash
did pretty good damage. But, I had to unlearn it eventually. This wasn’t too bad with wa
wabbit staffs as the potion maker, but now that unlearning costs money, it’s a bit tougher. I
recommend staying away from this, and going with a kwakblade or something. One of those
cool gadgets you guys get that I didn’t.
Glyph of blindness: blindness on a bigger scale. Again, I didn’t max this. didn’t seem like it was worth
the points.
we are one of two classes with
this skill, but unlike xelors, we can reuse ours in a fight. cool down at level 5 is 6 turns: a
medium sized cool, but useful. Mine is currently at 3, and I do want to max it one day.
Burning glyph: ah, the spell we all wait for.
This deals heavy damage to a large area range for two turns. The downside is that the
enemies can walk off of it, but if blocked correctly, or combined with the level 90 skill, you
should have no trouble dealing a good amount of damage to the enemy. Best part is the
second turn hit doesn’t cost you ap, so you can combine it with some of your other tricks.
Max this ASAP
Feca Shield: this should probably be
the level 100 spell, its incredible. At max, 38% resistance to everything for you OR an ally
next to you. I was once considering unlearn this to 3-4 once I got resistance from gear, but I
decided you could still use it for teammates. Max this as soon as you get it. It is (in my
opinion) the spell which makes the feca.
Paralyzing Glyph: once known as glyph of immobilization, this spell is great. One of my favorite
things to use on invisible srams, drop one of these and see if he loses mp. Does he? Drop a
burning right on top of it. Dead sram. This spell makes trouble for any character with low mp
resist and no mobility skills. But, ecaflips, xelors, enus, and more can make use of their skills
to escape it. Make sure to note if characters with mp buffs already used them (watch for
accell, inflatable, etc.). at this point, they are vulnerable to a glyph. Also, make sure your
enemy doesn’t have 100% mp resist. Otherwise you’ll be wasting three ap. Oddly enough, my
immob glyph is level 1. It has the same effect as 5 but with a smaller range. Level this to
your content. Many fecas (if not all) live by level 5 immob, but level 1 is fine for me.
Glyph of
silence: I’ve been fed information that this glyph
sucks. I personally wont be leveling or using it considering I need points for other things.
Again, ap resist 100% means this skill is useless.
Cawwot: I
still don’t have it, but damn do I want it. Nothing sucks more than whittling a feca down to
low health for him to cast a cawwot and heal back up at twice the rate. LoS blockers are all
ways fun too.
obviously want this for
increasing your CloseCombat damage. What weapon you choose is to your preference. I like
daggers. Many choose staves. But I’ve seen bow, sword, even wand fecas.
leek pie: keep it at level 1, but its always good for buffing sacs on
your team.
Release: mine is level 1, but I may bring it up
someday. Good for knocking enemies back into your glyph after they “escape”. as Dane cook
fairly useless, but makes you look like god. Keep it at 1, show off to nubs, enjoy.
wabbits till 70! Ougs till
forever! Just kidding, that’s how I leveled before “mob changes”. I suggest you refer to
more recent players to find this. I do know, however, that piglets are good exp from the
moment you can take no damage from them until ~60 (right?). Most use prespic set, but you
have air armor to protect you, so you can start earlier if needed. Also, an important note for
leveling: groups = exp multiplayer = win. Plus, group fighting is a lot more fun than grinding by
yourself (crawwwwlllinnnggg innnn myyy skinnnn).
(these are all considering both contestants are 100+)
shit. Unbewitch. that’s what you are
all thinking I’m sure. The key to this is not putting all your chickens in one coop. cast earth
armor. When they unbewitch, cast feca shield. They have to wait for their cool down
(though small) in order to unbewitch again. Use this time to close the gap and get in some
heavy hits. Also, try to stay out of line of sight. Their range is incredible. Ultra powerful
causes some trouble, but note that glyph ranges are not effected. Use cover and glyphs to
your advantage =)
Osamodas: these could be the most
troublesome class. Do your best to evade close range with the wyrm and try to focus heavily
on the osamoda hopefully by now you have 100% resist (with sheilds), or close to it, and
prespic, etc. wont bother you.
tough cookies, again with unbewitchment, but they can cast it over and over again. Good
news is they must crit to unbewitch, so you may get luck on your side. Try your best to get
close and immobilize them. Also, immob is best casted after they cast accelerate. else wise,
you may find your enu running out of the glyph with recently buffed mp.
Srams: try to wait out the invisibility by running away, and after a few
turns, casting truce or immunity. This can net you enough time for the sram to uninvis,
where you want to immobilize him, burning glyph, and jump away for some ranged attacks. If
they aren’t dead by the end of your series of attacks, keep running back and firing naturals.
They should drop before dagger range.
Xelors: try to run out their mummy the same way you run out invis. Also, feca shield
reduces counter damage, so use that to your advantage. Xelors are tough, you pretty much
have to out damage them in order to win.
Otherwise, ecas are fairly easy to defeat. Immob is fairly useless other than to stall them.
Pepper them with range, and once they get close, be ready to exchange blows in close
combat. Immune only if you are in a big open space, else wise you could take damage from
fate fairly easily
Eniripsas: big pain in the ass. Not
only do you have to out damage their heals, but also them. With a shielding spell that
prevents more than all armors, it’s a pretty big issue. You might just want to hand over your
badge and gun immediately after you get aggressed by an Eni.
Iops: spell rebound up. They wrath = they die? I like it. Other shields
should be put on as well. After this, do your best to keep them away from you. If they have
less mp than you do, you should be able to run. They can jump, but its better they jump
than hit you with two pink claws. Again, you’ll have to out damage them, but shields will
help. don’t be afraid to immune or truce if you need an outlet.
Cra: fairly easy against int cras. Spell rebound will probably end up killing
them before you can. Nonetheless, do your best to get up close and deal some damage.
Str cras can be more troublesome. Again, I’ve seen punitive hit me for 30, then crit for
400... On the caster. Spell rebound is a need against cras. When in the case of close combat
users, you want to get as close to them as possible and deal damage from there. Also, cras
have no mobility spells, so paralyzing is perfect.
Feca: natural attack is useless. Get your best close combat weapon and get up close for some
heavy hits. I pretty much suck feca vs. feca, so its up to you guys to figure it out for
yourself. Just remember what skills you have: that means you know what skills he has. Be
ready for anything you might do.
punishment reflects nicely. Try not to punish the sac: more stats for him is bad news for you.
Also, coop turns your glyphs against you, so your best bet is single hit attacks. Try to get
cover to keep yourself out of attraction range, and when cooped, escape to a safe place.
pandas are gimped to hell. Use
range against them. Not a tough fight.
SHILDES PLIX?!: sub guide on team
Needless to say, as
a shielding / tank class, you will be with friends or whoever constantly. My best source of
exp is kitsuou dungeons or nifilis ghosts, which both require a strong, knowledgeable party.
First, we will cover quick team things, what to do to help other classes, and how effective
the team is.
Feca and Sadida: a little friction here, but that’s
okay. Soothing + burning is a good combo. Get the icy hot working in there
. meanwhile, you should be doing your best to keep the enemy occupied
on you. Hopefully you have decent agility, or are fighting an enemy with crappy agility, and
can keep it in a lock. This way, the sadida can pepper it with brambles, or stay at a diagonal
and staff (note: most effective on melee monsters) and take minimal damage. As a feca, you
should be taking minimal damage even as the target.
Feca and Osamoda:
similar to sadida: long range spells, decent close combat, and summons. The summons should
be keeping the enemy busy, but it doesn’t hurt to jump in and help out. The osa should stay
safe in the distance, using ghostly claw or a long range CC weapon to deal damage, or buff
his/her summons. If the osa dies, the summons go too, and that’s no good.
Feca and Enutrof: quick note: if a feca gets a negative buff cast on him, DON’
T debuff him if his shields are up unless he asks otherwise. Enutrofs are a good example
of a long range character, so the feca should be tanking as usual. don’t be afraid to reducing
key to keep the enemy occupied on the feca if it is long range: any good feca should be able
to soak up damage fairly well. Oh, and if you don’t think the crits will benefit you intensely,
pandoras box on a dagger feca makes for a hayday J.
Feca and Sram:
srams can help the feca get into close range quickly, which is good. Otherwise, there isn’t
much the two classes can do. They may conflict in close combat, especially if the feca uses
a staff. Make sure, as a feca, to hit only the enemy.
Feca and Xelor:
heres a fun tactic; when fighting enemies with low wisdom (ap/mp resist), play as an mp killer
with immob while the xelor plays his ap raping part. There’s nothing more satisfying then
turning a poacher into a poutch ingball. Also, don’t be afraid to hit with a staff if the xelor is
mummified; generally, this means he will take little to no damage. If (s)he is not an int build,
you should most definitely ask first, and even if he/she is, feel free to be courteous.
Feca and Ecaflip: fun combo due to varied element basis (earth and fire).
Make sure to focus your efforts on the enemy weakest to your element, or strongest to your
allies. This will make fights faster. If you don’t think you can do much more than 10 damage
with your normal huge hits, passing your turn is probably your best bet.
and Eniripsia: <3. Incredible combo. A fully shielded feca takes next to zero damage
from hits. Then, an eni in healing gear can heal him for much more than he was hit for. Its
pretty much laid out on paper: enis own with fecas. Less ap needed to heal means more ap
for wand attacks, coney wrangling, whatever.
Feca and Iop: iops smash,
fecas smash less. This combo isn’t all that great considering the clash in close combat
attacks. Both parties can attack, but theres no big strategies here. Intimidation can help you
get up the field, and of course the obvious “shield your friend lol” strategy, but again,
nothing magical. (still love you Lincoln k?)
Feca and Cra: feca gets in
close range, cra stays back. it’s a simple concept, and itll probably be repeated again in the
near future.long range class will pepper enemy with long rage attacks, while the tank will
(hopefully) dodge lock the enemy, keep it in place, and absorb any heavy hits.
Feca and Feca: play jenga. For those without a sense of humor, im asking you to
stack shit like crazy. Stack glyphs, stack shields, stack stack stack. Double potency makes
for a tough team. ESPECIALLY level 6 shields.
Feca and Sacrier: pretty
sweet combo. Though one would think two tanks would conflict (which they do), the Sacrier’
s board manipulation skills allow for the team to move the enemy into place for a glyph, or
back into a glyph, also, the Sac can use sacrifice and the feca can shield the Sacrier. This is
a strategy used in high level fights, which I will cover later.
Feca and
Pandawa: everyone loves a pandawa on their side. Fire vuln is a must. Also, pickup
moves can move the Feca into place, as well as move the enemies into a glyph they run out for normal attacks, stick to ranged combat.
General tips for all
- don’t be afraid to bite the bullet: as a
feca you should be taking less damage, which means less bread for the team. Im sure a
friend wouldn’t mind paying for some bread for you if you took the hits for him. (and its
cheaper that way)
- high agility! - if an enemy sees
any outlet to hurt an opponent who will take less damage, chances are he will take that
route. Your job is to get decent agility bonuses and keep the enemy bouncing off of you,
wasting its turn. Sacriers do it will, but fecas can do it too.
- shield your friends: obvious. If you can, shield friends from enemy damage types.
Mp / ap resist doesn’t transfer to party members, so don’t worry about being in contact if the
enemy doesn’t hit for wind/water.
Big ghosts. Level 150-450, theyre the cream of the crop. As a feca, you
will often be invited to hunting parties due to a few necessary actions in the fight:
Truce: 2 turns to buff up, sacrifice, and get into position. If you are asked (yelled
at) to cast this, do. Also, if you think others are in danger, and it would be beneficial (if the
Sacrier is about to die) cast truce.
Immunity: this is for the Sacrier saving
everyone elses ass. Keep him alive or you all die.
Feca shield: Same idea as
Close combat: unless you hit heavily, your best bet would be to work
as a healer. By level 105, get your hands on a boogey wand (I have one, but its
either Wongers or Belis. Whoevers it is, im sorry! :S) your heals will be random, but
decent. I belive my range was around 50-600. And with 8ap, this can be used twice.
Extra bonus: it hits twice, and the second time (after heal) steals life and gives to
you, so if any AoE attacks hit you, you can help yourself to a little of the Sacriers hp.
EXTRA extra bonus: because it hits twice for 4ap, this is as effective as leek pie for
buffing Sacs. And it heals. Its pretty much free stat points.
MAIN GOAL: keep the Sacrier alive.
that’s enough for this
update. More to come in the future.
lets get a quick overview on the different kinds of fecas:Full
int: these Fecas are the ones you see preventing
70-80 with their shields. In many situations, they have the upper hand, such as enemies who
use low damage attacks over and over again in quick succession. But in other situations,
such as unbefitting opponents, or heavy hitters, you are at a strong STRONG
Mid-Int: this is the build I’m working
with. My shields are fairly weak, but Feca shield, which I rely heavily on, has no int multiplier.
The low side is I’m not incredibly strong damage wise, but on the other hand the world is not
over if I get unbewitched.
NOTE: later these two builds seem to entwine, as lots of
high level int equips have vit as well.
Full-vit (str
build): generally, it is wise to scroll strength, and
pump vitality as high as possible. I recommend if you are choosing this build, maybe try to
invest ~100 points into int, just for the bonus to shields. Despite the low shielding you will
have, its still better than nothing. The difference between 10 and 20 damage can sometimes
make the difference. Again, feca shield is relied heavily upon.[/color]
Chance: a build that is, to my knowledge, untested. I once read a French
site that said this build could make use of things such as truce and immunity, and focus
heavily on bubble’s high range in order to make a useful build. But, it sounds like a difficult
I will be focusing on the int builds in this guide. Standard cookie cutter
“shield up and glyph” deal.
to 200
Vit to 100-200 depending on preference
So, what do we have to work with?
Armor: a definite must especially for pvp. At lower
levels, this skill isn’t needed, as you wont be fighting enemies with fire attacks for a while.
But, as you progress (id say mid 20s-30s if you wanna start some fun pvping early) this skill
is a definite need to max.
Natural attack: this skill starts off fairly useless, but the second you hit 101 it allows you to
unleash a whole new series of strategies. Due to the non linear nature, and (eventually) low
ap cost, you can chain this attack together multiple times, to different or similar targets, as
well as combine it with other skills in a single turn. But, to start, if you plan on getting rich in
the future, cloudy attack may be a good idea. It all depends on if you want to dump the
money in the future to unlearn cloudy, or stress yourself with it until then.
Blindness: not a usual staple feca spell. It can be useful for enemies who
need all of their ap to keep their strategy in tact, but I don’t recommend leveling it. We have
to use enough points already.
Spell Rebound: good god I love this spell. I was skeptical about it in my early feca days, but
god damn is it a beauty. Max this to 5. It gives you a (believed) 1/6 chance to reflect spells
equal to its level. The chance increases for lower level skills, and decreases for higher level
skills. I have killed many osamodas and int cras, just by letting them kill themselves. BUT, as
you increase in level and your enemies do, many classes begin to rely on close combat which
is not effected by this spell. Still, I may be leveling it to 6 depending on what other classes
not really useful other than
its fun to kill pvpers who have low hp. (its tormenting actually). Also, it could be used if a
sac and his sacrificed friends were all clumped together. Drop an agro glyph correctly and
you could get 5-6 punishments out of it. But, that isn’t really a valid strategy, and neither of
those methods of use require you to level it. Keep this at 1
Armor of Earth: max this as soon as you get to 11. Level 4 at 9. You WANT. No. you
NEED this skill early on to make leveling easy. It blocks not only earth, but neutral damage.
These are the most popular damage types both from monsters and other players, though fire
is growing steadily close. You definitely want this at 5 before you even get cloudy attack.
Attack: this is a decent skill, though in the long run
natural (in my opinion) grows stronger. Many fecas use cloudy instead. Many use both. It is
entirely up to you how you want to go, but I chose natural attack over this. Nonetheless,
cloudy is very useful up until 101, so it may be a wise choice to level it.
Aqueous armor: this seems to be more useful for the ap resist rather than
the water damage. Hold out on leveling it early, but eventually you’ll want this at least to
three. I maxed it. Ap resistance becomes a definite need for pvp.
Immunity: free turn? I’m in. this is good for stalling invisibility, as well
as keeping yourself safe while inside your own glyphs. At level 4, it gives 2 turns instead of 1,
giving you even MORE time to pummel your enemy while he is unable to hit you back (with
effect, anyways) plus, who doesn’t like to see “damage reduced by 9000” now and then? At
some point you will want to max this out, even to six. (at level six, the cost becomes 2ap,
making it easy to chain with other skills.
Wind armor:Bubble: fun to play with, but that’s its. Odd firing range, water
damage, once per target? don’t bother with it unless you want to go chance or hybrid
similar to immune, but instead it gives a
smaller fraction to the entire party. This doesn’t need maxing really, unless for some reason
you have a surplus of diamonds. NOTE: I have seen truce broken through. On characters
that have no int, level 1 only reduces 200, and with enemies hitting for 500+ I can
understand it. But with a feca, you should have no problem keeping truce together.
Art of
staff: only buffs neutral damages. Gold for strength
build, moot for ours. MOVING ON
Backlash (shut up DB fucking shut up): I maxed this because I thought with my gob set (back in the
40s-50s of beta) I would have a good combo. I must say, even with low str, maxed backlash
did pretty good damage. But, I had to unlearn it eventually. This wasn’t too bad with wa
wabbit staffs as the potion maker, but now that unlearning costs money, it’s a bit tougher. I
recommend staying away from this, and going with a kwakblade or something. One of those
cool gadgets you guys get that I didn’t.
Glyph of blindness: blindness on a bigger scale. Again, I didn’t max this. didn’t seem like it was worth
the points.
we are one of two classes with
this skill, but unlike xelors, we can reuse ours in a fight. cool down at level 5 is 6 turns: a
medium sized cool, but useful. Mine is currently at 3, and I do want to max it one day.
Burning glyph: ah, the spell we all wait for.
This deals heavy damage to a large area range for two turns. The downside is that the
enemies can walk off of it, but if blocked correctly, or combined with the level 90 skill, you
should have no trouble dealing a good amount of damage to the enemy. Best part is the
second turn hit doesn’t cost you ap, so you can combine it with some of your other tricks.
Max this ASAP
Feca Shield: this should probably be
the level 100 spell, its incredible. At max, 38% resistance to everything for you OR an ally
next to you. I was once considering unlearn this to 3-4 once I got resistance from gear, but I
decided you could still use it for teammates. Max this as soon as you get it. It is (in my
opinion) the spell which makes the feca.
Paralyzing Glyph: once known as glyph of immobilization, this spell is great. One of my favorite
things to use on invisible srams, drop one of these and see if he loses mp. Does he? Drop a
burning right on top of it. Dead sram. This spell makes trouble for any character with low mp
resist and no mobility skills. But, ecaflips, xelors, enus, and more can make use of their skills
to escape it. Make sure to note if characters with mp buffs already used them (watch for
accell, inflatable, etc.). at this point, they are vulnerable to a glyph. Also, make sure your
enemy doesn’t have 100% mp resist. Otherwise you’ll be wasting three ap. Oddly enough, my
immob glyph is level 1. It has the same effect as 5 but with a smaller range. Level this to
your content. Many fecas (if not all) live by level 5 immob, but level 1 is fine for me.
Glyph of
silence: I’ve been fed information that this glyph
sucks. I personally wont be leveling or using it considering I need points for other things.
Again, ap resist 100% means this skill is useless.
Cawwot: I
still don’t have it, but damn do I want it. Nothing sucks more than whittling a feca down to
low health for him to cast a cawwot and heal back up at twice the rate. LoS blockers are all
ways fun too.
obviously want this for
increasing your CloseCombat damage. What weapon you choose is to your preference. I like
daggers. Many choose staves. But I’ve seen bow, sword, even wand fecas.
leek pie: keep it at level 1, but its always good for buffing sacs on
your team.
Release: mine is level 1, but I may bring it up
someday. Good for knocking enemies back into your glyph after they “escape”. as Dane cook
fairly useless, but makes you look like god. Keep it at 1, show off to nubs, enjoy.
wabbits till 70! Ougs till
forever! Just kidding, that’s how I leveled before “mob changes”. I suggest you refer to
more recent players to find this. I do know, however, that piglets are good exp from the
moment you can take no damage from them until ~60 (right?). Most use prespic set, but you
have air armor to protect you, so you can start earlier if needed. Also, an important note for
leveling: groups = exp multiplayer = win. Plus, group fighting is a lot more fun than grinding by
yourself (crawwwwlllinnnggg innnn myyy skinnnn).
(these are all considering both contestants are 100+)
shit. Unbewitch. that’s what you are
all thinking I’m sure. The key to this is not putting all your chickens in one coop. cast earth
armor. When they unbewitch, cast feca shield. They have to wait for their cool down
(though small) in order to unbewitch again. Use this time to close the gap and get in some
heavy hits. Also, try to stay out of line of sight. Their range is incredible. Ultra powerful
causes some trouble, but note that glyph ranges are not effected. Use cover and glyphs to
your advantage =)
Osamodas: these could be the most
troublesome class. Do your best to evade close range with the wyrm and try to focus heavily
on the osamoda hopefully by now you have 100% resist (with sheilds), or close to it, and
prespic, etc. wont bother you.
tough cookies, again with unbewitchment, but they can cast it over and over again. Good
news is they must crit to unbewitch, so you may get luck on your side. Try your best to get
close and immobilize them. Also, immob is best casted after they cast accelerate. else wise,
you may find your enu running out of the glyph with recently buffed mp.
Srams: try to wait out the invisibility by running away, and after a few
turns, casting truce or immunity. This can net you enough time for the sram to uninvis,
where you want to immobilize him, burning glyph, and jump away for some ranged attacks. If
they aren’t dead by the end of your series of attacks, keep running back and firing naturals.
They should drop before dagger range.
Xelors: try to run out their mummy the same way you run out invis. Also, feca shield
reduces counter damage, so use that to your advantage. Xelors are tough, you pretty much
have to out damage them in order to win.
Otherwise, ecas are fairly easy to defeat. Immob is fairly useless other than to stall them.
Pepper them with range, and once they get close, be ready to exchange blows in close
combat. Immune only if you are in a big open space, else wise you could take damage from
fate fairly easily
Eniripsas: big pain in the ass. Not
only do you have to out damage their heals, but also them. With a shielding spell that
prevents more than all armors, it’s a pretty big issue. You might just want to hand over your
badge and gun immediately after you get aggressed by an Eni.
Iops: spell rebound up. They wrath = they die? I like it. Other shields
should be put on as well. After this, do your best to keep them away from you. If they have
less mp than you do, you should be able to run. They can jump, but its better they jump
than hit you with two pink claws. Again, you’ll have to out damage them, but shields will
help. don’t be afraid to immune or truce if you need an outlet.
Cra: fairly easy against int cras. Spell rebound will probably end up killing
them before you can. Nonetheless, do your best to get up close and deal some damage.
Str cras can be more troublesome. Again, I’ve seen punitive hit me for 30, then crit for
400... On the caster. Spell rebound is a need against cras. When in the case of close combat
users, you want to get as close to them as possible and deal damage from there. Also, cras
have no mobility spells, so paralyzing is perfect.
Feca: natural attack is useless. Get your best close combat weapon and get up close for some
heavy hits. I pretty much suck feca vs. feca, so its up to you guys to figure it out for
yourself. Just remember what skills you have: that means you know what skills he has. Be
ready for anything you might do.
punishment reflects nicely. Try not to punish the sac: more stats for him is bad news for you.
Also, coop turns your glyphs against you, so your best bet is single hit attacks. Try to get
cover to keep yourself out of attraction range, and when cooped, escape to a safe place.
pandas are gimped to hell. Use
range against them. Not a tough fight.
SHILDES PLIX?!: sub guide on team
Needless to say, as
a shielding / tank class, you will be with friends or whoever constantly. My best source of
exp is kitsuou dungeons or nifilis ghosts, which both require a strong, knowledgeable party.
First, we will cover quick team things, what to do to help other classes, and how effective
the team is.
Feca and Sadida: a little friction here, but that’s
okay. Soothing + burning is a good combo. Get the icy hot working in there

on you. Hopefully you have decent agility, or are fighting an enemy with crappy agility, and
can keep it in a lock. This way, the sadida can pepper it with brambles, or stay at a diagonal
and staff (note: most effective on melee monsters) and take minimal damage. As a feca, you
should be taking minimal damage even as the target.
Feca and Osamoda:
similar to sadida: long range spells, decent close combat, and summons. The summons should
be keeping the enemy busy, but it doesn’t hurt to jump in and help out. The osa should stay
safe in the distance, using ghostly claw or a long range CC weapon to deal damage, or buff
his/her summons. If the osa dies, the summons go too, and that’s no good.
Feca and Enutrof: quick note: if a feca gets a negative buff cast on him, DON’
T debuff him if his shields are up unless he asks otherwise. Enutrofs are a good example
of a long range character, so the feca should be tanking as usual. don’t be afraid to reducing
key to keep the enemy occupied on the feca if it is long range: any good feca should be able
to soak up damage fairly well. Oh, and if you don’t think the crits will benefit you intensely,
pandoras box on a dagger feca makes for a hayday J.
Feca and Sram:
srams can help the feca get into close range quickly, which is good. Otherwise, there isn’t
much the two classes can do. They may conflict in close combat, especially if the feca uses
a staff. Make sure, as a feca, to hit only the enemy.
Feca and Xelor:
heres a fun tactic; when fighting enemies with low wisdom (ap/mp resist), play as an mp killer
with immob while the xelor plays his ap raping part. There’s nothing more satisfying then
turning a poacher into a poutch ingball. Also, don’t be afraid to hit with a staff if the xelor is
mummified; generally, this means he will take little to no damage. If (s)he is not an int build,
you should most definitely ask first, and even if he/she is, feel free to be courteous.
Feca and Ecaflip: fun combo due to varied element basis (earth and fire).
Make sure to focus your efforts on the enemy weakest to your element, or strongest to your
allies. This will make fights faster. If you don’t think you can do much more than 10 damage
with your normal huge hits, passing your turn is probably your best bet.
and Eniripsia: <3. Incredible combo. A fully shielded feca takes next to zero damage
from hits. Then, an eni in healing gear can heal him for much more than he was hit for. Its
pretty much laid out on paper: enis own with fecas. Less ap needed to heal means more ap
for wand attacks, coney wrangling, whatever.
Feca and Iop: iops smash,
fecas smash less. This combo isn’t all that great considering the clash in close combat
attacks. Both parties can attack, but theres no big strategies here. Intimidation can help you
get up the field, and of course the obvious “shield your friend lol” strategy, but again,
nothing magical. (still love you Lincoln k?)
Feca and Cra: feca gets in
close range, cra stays back. it’s a simple concept, and itll probably be repeated again in the
near future.long range class will pepper enemy with long rage attacks, while the tank will
(hopefully) dodge lock the enemy, keep it in place, and absorb any heavy hits.
Feca and Feca: play jenga. For those without a sense of humor, im asking you to
stack shit like crazy. Stack glyphs, stack shields, stack stack stack. Double potency makes
for a tough team. ESPECIALLY level 6 shields.
Feca and Sacrier: pretty
sweet combo. Though one would think two tanks would conflict (which they do), the Sacrier’
s board manipulation skills allow for the team to move the enemy into place for a glyph, or
back into a glyph, also, the Sac can use sacrifice and the feca can shield the Sacrier. This is
a strategy used in high level fights, which I will cover later.
Feca and
Pandawa: everyone loves a pandawa on their side. Fire vuln is a must. Also, pickup
moves can move the Feca into place, as well as move the enemies into a glyph they run out for normal attacks, stick to ranged combat.
General tips for all
- don’t be afraid to bite the bullet: as a
feca you should be taking less damage, which means less bread for the team. Im sure a
friend wouldn’t mind paying for some bread for you if you took the hits for him. (and its
cheaper that way)
- high agility! - if an enemy sees
any outlet to hurt an opponent who will take less damage, chances are he will take that
route. Your job is to get decent agility bonuses and keep the enemy bouncing off of you,
wasting its turn. Sacriers do it will, but fecas can do it too.
- shield your friends: obvious. If you can, shield friends from enemy damage types.
Mp / ap resist doesn’t transfer to party members, so don’t worry about being in contact if the
enemy doesn’t hit for wind/water.
Big ghosts. Level 150-450, theyre the cream of the crop. As a feca, you
will often be invited to hunting parties due to a few necessary actions in the fight:
Truce: 2 turns to buff up, sacrifice, and get into position. If you are asked (yelled
at) to cast this, do. Also, if you think others are in danger, and it would be beneficial (if the
Sacrier is about to die) cast truce.
Immunity: this is for the Sacrier saving
everyone elses ass. Keep him alive or you all die.
Feca shield: Same idea as
Close combat: unless you hit heavily, your best bet would be to work
as a healer. By level 105, get your hands on a boogey wand (I have one, but its
either Wongers or Belis. Whoevers it is, im sorry! :S) your heals will be random, but
decent. I belive my range was around 50-600. And with 8ap, this can be used twice.
Extra bonus: it hits twice, and the second time (after heal) steals life and gives to
you, so if any AoE attacks hit you, you can help yourself to a little of the Sacriers hp.
EXTRA extra bonus: because it hits twice for 4ap, this is as effective as leek pie for
buffing Sacs. And it heals. Its pretty much free stat points.
MAIN GOAL: keep the Sacrier alive.
that’s enough for this
update. More to come in the future.
I can only speak from my experience but I used adventure set until I was able to equip the full prespec set at L38. I didn't have an int setup to speak of until I was very near hitting 100 just a wisdom set that happened to give some int. But everyone has their own idea of what is most enjoyable about dofus. For me pvp wasn't even on my mind until I needed to in order to equip the good items in the 11x+ was all about a decent wisdom setup to maximize my time spent leveling. Items like amulet of luck, dark treerings, adelus, desire o'boul cloak all would be solid choices. If you happen to dislike leveling and enjoy pvp more I'd suggest leveling to at least 70 to get burning glyph or 80 for feca shield. Forgemage a kryst and find a custom setup or just use the standard scara set, fill in the empty slots with kwak set items, and use a 80int cat or ideally a bwak. For leveling (this was back in the golden days of static spawns mind you...) I followed this path:
1-11: single demonic roses
12-20(ish): mushds
2x-38: cracklers
39-60: wabbits
60-72: treechnids
73-100: plain boars
The last leg on plain boars was with the new spawn system. I know this won't work for everyone but hopefully it'll give you a rough idea. Good luck
==== About Dofus ====
Dofus is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Ankama Studio, a French computer game manufacturer. Dofus is set in the world of Amakna, which is an anagram of Ankama. Its success led to the marketing of by-products, like books, and with the development of two continuations: Dofus Arena, a tactical online multiplayer game, released at the beginning of 2006, is an alternative "tournament" version of Dofus; and Wakfu which is currently in preparation and should be released by the end of 2007.
Dofus is a role-playing game in which players create characters that serve as their avatar in the online world. The player can choose from twelve different classes, one of which is reserved for subscribers.
One can lose easily thanks to the hard monsters.
Combat is played out "turn by turn" on squared charts. Within a turn, each player can advance 3 squares and use up to 6 "attack points", used to cast spells. The AP (attack points) and MP (movement points) can be increased in later evolution of the character, by using certain equipment.
When a character dies, they lose a specific amount of money and energy that is able to be regained while sitting in a tavern before logging off, or by using certain objects. If all of your energy is exhausted, you will take the form of a ghost which will be used to very slowly reach a statue of a phoenix, where it will be able to resurrect your character and regain a part of its vital energy (1000 points). A character's maximum energy is 10,000, but this can be raised upon reaching certain orders within an alignment. There is a possibility that a priest (who is another play who has reached this rank) will return the fallen player to the "human form" with a portion of their energy, usually in exchange for some Kamas.
Characters can join and form guilds, which make it possible for the members to speak with each other, to coordinate each other, set up a tax collector to take sales/taxes carried out by the players who are not members of the guild, or to steal the objects dropped from monsters at the end of a fight.
A system of alignment makes it possible to take part in a war between the cities Bonta (City of the Angels) and that of Brakmar (City of the Demons), in the form of a players versus players mode (PvP). Since the 1.13 update, points can be gained from these fights, and hence a PvP scene developed. The third alignment, named Sériane-Kern (represented by wings made of wood and fabric), makes it possible to remain neutral and to carry out contracts provided by other players. However, this alignment is only available on the first server, Jiva.
A new update in the game makes it possible to breed Dragoturkeys. This makes it possible to go twice as fast compared to running. As such, there are breeding enclosures available to players to breed their mounts.
There are twelve different classes. The choice of class determines which spells your character will receive, as well as how much characteristic upgrades will cost. The class names are inside jokes amongst the developers, often (but not always) referring in some way to the abilities of the class. For example, the Xelor class which uses time magic in combat, derives its name from Rolex, a watch manufacturer.
* Sadida's Boots ("Adidas" backwards) - Nature-influenced direct damage and voodoo doll summoning.
* Eniripsa's Hands (Aspirine, the French spelling of "Aspirin") - Specialized in healing and invoking spells to increase the abilities of their allies.
* Iop's Heart (named for Yop yogurt drink, a developer in-joke) - Attack-based class with many powerful spells, however they have short range.
* Cra's Range (Arc, French for "bow") - Archer class specializing in bow and arrow attacks that have long range to attack enemies from far away.
* Feca's Shield (café, French for coffee, another inside joke) - Defensive magic user, usually the last man standing in a fight.
* Sacrier's Blood (sacrifice + crier; the French name is sacrieur, sacrifice + rieur, "one who laughs") - Attacks based on sacrifice and self-damage to deal more powerful attacks.
* Osamodas' Whip (Sado-Maso{chism}) - Summoner class that can call creatures to its aid.
* Ecaflip's Coin ("pilface" is a shortened form of "pile ou face", which means "tails or heads") - Gambler class whose attacks are powerful but can backfire and harm the player.
* Enutrof's Fingers (Fortune) - Treasure seeker class that starts off weaker in battle but finds dropped items at a faster rate.
* Xelor's hourglass (Rolex) - Masters of time, able to delay or speed up units in battle by taking or adding Action Points (AP) to enemies and/or allies.
* Sram's Shadow (Mars Bar, yet another inside joke) - thief/assassin class, specializing in different types of hidden traps, invisibility and powerful close combat.
* Pandawa's pint (Padawan or Panda Warrior) - While sober, they're a support class, carrying allies around the battlefield and lowering enemies' elemental resistance. When drunk, they become formidable close-range fighters, with reduced movement but powerful attacks and damage reduction. This class is available only for paid players(p2p).
According to a post on this topic on the official forums, Feca, Iop, and Sram were the first three classes created, so the developers named them after their favorites among the various snacks they enjoyed while making the game, and the names have nothing to do with the classes themselves.